Cross Country Seeds
a local supply store that’s been in operation in Grenada for about 30 years, and owned by Bobby and
Grenada Landing Swimming Beach
(Swimming is allowed inside the buoy lines at the five designated swimming beaches. The cost is
Natural Beach at Hugh White State Park
Whether you're looking for a relaxing day on the sand or an exciting day on the water, the whole
Malmaison Wildlife Management Area
Do you like the thought of being able to change ecosystems within a matter of minutes? You can do
Tallahatchie National Wildlife Refuge
Tallahatchie National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1991 and consists of 4,199 acres in Grenada
Yalobusha River Paddling Trail
The 520 miles Yalobusha River Trail meanders through the loess bluffs into the lush bottomland
Grenada Golf & Racquet Club
The 18-hole course opened in 1923 features 6,375 yards of golf from the longest tees for a par of
The Dogwoods Golf Course
The Dogwoods Golf Course at Hugh White State Park takes full advantage of the natural beauty
Grenada Youth League / Wayne Carson Park
Grenada Youth League's focus is to encourage participation, develop character and discipline,
Grenada Parks & Recreation / Flowers-Perry Park
The Grenada Parks & Recreation sports complex at Flowers-Perry Park includes ball